Frequently Asked Questions

For employers

Q1. How can my organization connect with skilled immigrant talent?

A. Through our programs, TRIEC can support you to access top-tier international talent in the GTA. Visit our Find Immigrant Talent page to learn more.

Q2. What resources are available to help organizations manage cultural diversity in the workplace?
A. TRIEC can support you to make the most of your diversifying workforce. Our section on Developing Your Diverse Workforce can help you access resources and tools to manage cultural diversity in your workplace

For immigrant professionals

Q3. Where can I find access information that will help me with my job search?

A. Our Employment Information section has links to websites that will give you access to information that will help you make informed decisions.

Q4. Where can I find help and support for my search for employment?
A. There are many job search support service providers in the GTA that can help you in your job search. Check out our Employment Resources section for links to some service providers.

Q5. What support services are available for immigrant entrepreneurs? 
A. Entrepreneurship has a lot of potential as an alternative career option for newcomers. Our Immigrant Entrepreneurs section contains links to resources that can help you get started on your entrepreneurial journey.

Q6. I want to get my international degree/diploma assessed to its Canadian equivalent. Which places can provide this service?
A. Visit our Credential Assessment Services page for a list of organizations that provide credential assessment services. You can also visit our Language Assessment page for organizations that assess your language skills.

Q7. How can I get access to opportunities that will help me understand the Canadian workplace culture?
A. Understanding Canadian workplace culture can be a big help when you’re looking for work. Browse through our Gain Exposure section for information on MentoringInternship and Volunteer Opportunities.

Q8. What are the networking opportunities available for me to build my professional connections in Canada?
A. Our Secure Connections page contains links to opportunities that can help you build your professional network. Find information on how you can join a professional association or find an agency who can support you with networking advice.

For partners

Q9. How can my organization collaborate with TRIEC and its programs?
A. TRIEC believes in collaboration. The reason our programs work is because of the expertise and resources that our partners bring to the table. Check out our Partners page to find information on how you can connect with our programs and help skilled immigrants find employment.


Q10. I want to learn more about TRIEC and how it helps newcomers and employers succeed. Where can I find this information?
A. TRIEC believes that when immigrants prosper, we all do. On our About page, you will find information on TRIEC’s Mission and Objectives, Strategic Plan, and our initiatives as well as information on our Board of Directors and Council Members and our History.

Q11. How can I contribute to TRIEC’s work in helping skilled immigrants?
A. There are many ways in which you can get involved with TRIEC and support the successful integration of skilled immigrants in the GTA labour market. Visit our Get Involved section to learn about the opportunities available for you to contribute.