Dale Sproule

In February, 2012, the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) announced an exciting new initiative: the Professional Immigrant Networks Initiative, or PINs. Sponsored by Scotiabank and funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Ontario Trillium Foundation, PINs aims to unite the dozens of professional immigrant networks that have been working independently under the radar for many years – helping professionals in various ethnic communities throughout the Toronto Region to connect with others in similar situations. PINs has become a network of networks.

Racquel Sevilla, TRIEC Manager, Program Development, defines professional immigrant networks as, “…organizations that are created by immigrants for immigrants. So these are member based, volunteer run associations. That’s what distinguishes them from community agencies which are there to provide services and are not member based. Amongst their many objectives, they have to be helping members connect to employment.”


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Source: Canadian Newcomer Magazine

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