Advocate for diverse perspectives

Performance Criteria

  • I can be curious and open.
  • I seek to understand and respect there will be differences between my perspective and the perspective of others.
  • I can identify when others share my perspective.
  • I use active listening methods.
  • I use language that does not exclude.
  • I engage with the diverse people in my environment.



Definitions – what the terms used in this competency mean

  1. Perspectives: opinions, cultures, experiences, beliefs, ability, age, gender, roles, friends, affinity groups
  2. Advocacy: behaviour within the workplace should align with organizational values and be in accordance with local legislation (e.g. safety, protected grounds)
  3. Language: verbal, non-verbal (cues, free from words, phrases) and that reflect stereotypical or discriminatory views of people or groups, whether deliberately or inadvertently



Underpinning knowledge – what do people need to know to be able to demonstrate this competency?

  1. Communication:
    • The role of context in communications.
    • Language that can avoid people feeling excluded.
    • Examples of language that commonly excludes people and why it does this.
  2. Techniques and strategies that help supressed differences to become clear.
  3. Barriers and enablers to openness.
  4. Active listening techniques.
  5. Methods of inquiry, appreciative inquiry techniques.
  6. Emotional intelligence.
  7. Stereotypes, prejudice, bias.
  8. Organizational culture.
  9. Applicable legislation.



Example(s) – what might this look like in practice?

  • You overcome your impatience during long drawn out debates in the team, and you learn to recognize their value.
  • You read recent research findings on the achievements of diverse teams.
  • You ask HR for help to adapt your interviewing style to attract more diverse applicants for your team.



Related resources – Strengthen your competencies with TRIEC Learning

  E-Learning: Culture and Workplace Interaction
  Videos and Guides: Cross-Cultural Teamwork, Scene 4: Facilitating Contributions to Team Discussions
  Videos and Guides: Cultural Perceptions of Change and Leadership, Scene 2: Building Vertical Rapport and Collaboration
  Videos and Guides: Cultural Perceptions of Change and Leadership, Scene 3: Addressing Workplace Conflict