Carry out “The Duty to Accommodate” diverse needs

Performance Criteria – within my organization, I…

  • Am aware and keep up-to-date with relevant accommodation knowledge, legislation and policies.
  • Identify potential systemic barriers present in the work environment.
  • Request accommodation for own needs (if relevant).
  • Contribute ideas for work practices and spaces, and design them considering everyone’s needs.
  • Consult with those who require accommodation to determine their needs.
  • Explore whether people encounter barriers and encourage appropriate requests for accommodation.
  • Respond positively to accommodations that are implemented in the workplace (without stigma or complaint).
  • Respond supportively to others’ requests for accommodation (without reprisal).
  • Protect privacy and confidentiality according to privacy legislation.
  • Identify potential steps to eliminate systemic barriers.
  • Provide knowledge and support to colleagues and stakeholders as appropriate, so they can support accommodation.
  • Follow up to assess the effectiveness and impact of the accommodation on individual and workplace, and adapt as needed.



Definitions – what the terms used in this competency mean

  1. Barriers: policies, rules, procedures, practices that have a negative impact on people’s needs that are based on Protected Grounds (e.g. creed (religion), sex (including pregnancy, breastfeeding), age, disability, etc.)
  2. People: colleagues, employees, subcontractors, customers/clients, suppliers.
  3. Impact: effectiveness, physical, socio-cultural, financial, convenience, efficiency.



Required knowledge

  1. Relevant requirements under Protected Grounds under Human Rights and other legislation for your jurisdiction (for example AODA or equivalent local legislation).
  2. Your organization’s policies and HR procedures.
  3. Relevant common requests for accommodation.
  4. Good practice in developing win-win solutions when accommodating diverse needs.
  5. Sources of advice, support and training.
  6. Inclusive behavioural expectations.



Example(s) – what might this look like in practice?

  • You point out to the Facilities group that the plans for new furnishings will create difficulties for people who have mobility challenges.
  • When your team is joined by a team member with limited English skills, you explore options for translation support while he or she learns the relevant work terms.



Related resources – Strengthen your competencies with TRIEC Learning

Videos and guides: Cross-Cultural Teamwork, Scene 2: Accommodating Religious Diversity