Intercultural Development Inventory

How can the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) help your business?

The Intercultural Development Inventory is a powerful tool to support learning and development programs for your organization’s leaders, teams and individual staff.

It is rooted in theory, and rigorously validated through practice. The IDI provides an accurate profile of professionals’ abilities to observe and operate within multi-cultural settings. The IDI begins with a questionnaire completed online in 15-20 minutes. A personalized face-to-face debrief with one of TRIEC’s certified IDI specialists will help participants understand the results of the questionnaire, and how they can use the results as a personal development tool.

For each individual who completes the assessment, the IDI creates a customized Intercultural Development Plan (IDP) that guides them through a series of activities and self-reflections that developmentally build intercultural competence.

Contact the team:

Phone: 416 944 1946 ext. 253

IDI can help your organization with
  1. Developing and evaluating team learning plans for intercultural competence and communication. A group workshop is perfect for:
    • A new or existing council responsible for developing a diversity and inclusion strategy.
    • A half-day team building exercise for any multicultural team
  2. Assessing individual staff to support their learning and development plans. An individual assessment is perfect for:
    • Any senior executive or manager who wants to develop their ability to lead a diverse team
    • A professional working with clients from multiple backgrounds, who wants to be more effective in communicating with them
  3. Benchmarking teams or an entire organization to development their inclusive practices for the purposes of training needs assessment and program evaluation.