Renaissance Toronto Hotel Downtown
One Blue Jays Way, Toronto

Presented by the Ontario Hospital Association

High performing organizations are acutely aware that their success depends on the ability to attract the best talent, utilize employee skills and provide international talent with a culture of opportunity and mutual respect. The objective of this informative conference is to explore the various aspects and principals of promoting and managing international talent in order to meet and exceed organizational goals and objectives.

Speakers include:

John King, Executive Vice President, Human Resources, Chief Administrative Officer, St. Michaels Hospital
Fiona Macfarlane, Americas Chief Operating Officer, Tax, Ernst and Young and 2008 Immigrant Success Award winner
Ray Marshall, Chief Executive Officer, Brockville General Hospital
Noreen Linton, Executive Director and Associate Chief Nursing Officer, Alberta Health Services

Topics covered:

  • Hospital Leadership and the Internationally Educated Health Professionals Priority
  • Meeting the Labour Supply Needs of Ontario’s Health Care Providers
  • Welcoming Communities and the Role of Health Care Providers
  • Resource for Employers Showcase: Interprofessional Orientation to the Canadian Health Care System
  • Retention: Fostering a Culture of Inclusion
  • IMG Physician Recruitment and Integration
  • Helping Internationally Educated Nurses Become Successful in the Workplace
  • Innovative Practices: What are Health Care Employers Doing Now? 
  • The Business Case for Enabling the Success of the Internationally Educated Health Professional

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