They are for people working at every level within an organization. When creating these competencies, we had four distinct job roles in mind:

  • people who work with other people (colleagues)
  • people with responsibility and authority for others in the organization (supervisors and managers)
  • people with specific D&I responsibilities (Human Resources and Diversity & Inclusion specialists)
  • people who play a leading role in introducing and improving D&I performance within the organization, who may be senior leaders (such as President, Managing Director, Director) or otherwise seen as role models in the organization (D&I champion)

The same competencies can be used by any of the job roles, although the levels of proficiency and complexity for the competencies for each of these roles may be very different. The individual learner or their employer can plan their learning path, take advantage of the learning opportunities that are available and choose the appropriate mix of competencies needed for the each job role.