This blog is a part of series about networking and collaborating among organizations. Read the rest of blogs.



Three tips to network effectively


Since TRIEC launched the Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) initiative,  we’ve witnessed a number of great examples of how associations and stakeholders have leveraged the PINs network and the resulting collaborations that have helped organizations and individuals.

A recent example features a mentoring program delivered by Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) to its members, skilled immigrant engineers from Romania. AREC members were trained and supported by a PINs partner, JVS Toronto. Another story of collaboration is Latin Networking Beyond Boundaries, an event  that brings together PINs associations and corporate employee resource groups that have one thing in common – serving immigrant professionals from Latin America.

There are many stories of associations and organizations networking effectively with similar results –PINs associations better equipped to assist their members advance in their careers in Canada.

What we’ve learned from working with PINs associations and stakeholder partners is that to network effectively, three things are key:

  1. Trust
  2. Communication
  3. Capacity



Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It creates the environment where you can reach out to someone to share ideas or opportunities, get honest feedback, co-create new ideas and make a commitment to take action. Trust gives you the confidence that if you do your part, and other person does theirs, the result could be much better than doing things individually.


To build and foster a network of connections, you need to be ready to engage in consistent, clear, open and on-time communications. Being transparent about what you can offer and what you hope to develop out of any relationship benefits both parties involved. Maintaining relationships also require regular check-ins to stay current on priorities and opportunities. Today may not be the right time to collaborate, but three months later may very well be.


Do you have the capacity and resources to help someone or undertake a collaborative project? It is good practice to evaluate and assess what you and your organization can offer others now or in what areas working together helps increase capacity, create efficiencies or help you achieve greater impact. Having a strategy and structure for any collaborative project ensures you stay on track and clarifies what each one needs to do to achieve common objectives.


We encourage you to connect with others and explore opportunities.  Check out the list of PINs associations and partners to get ideas.