hireimmigrants.ca and The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University have partnered to offer complementary workshops for small- and medium-sized businesses in the GTA. These workshops are designed to help employers better recruit and retain skilled immigrants.

What you will learn

How-To Workshop on Recruiting and Selecting (1/2 day): Learn sourcing, screening (telephone and resume screening) and interviewing techniques to better recruit immigrant professionals.

How-To Workshop on Cultural Competence (NEW 1/2 day): Improve your individual and organizational cultural competence through case studies and role play.

Workshop format

Workshops will be facilitated by two experienced HR and diversity consultants from DiversiPro Inc. and will include filmed simulations, an employer resource guide and online tools and resources

Workshop Details

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Town of Richmond Hill’s Municipal Offices
225 East Beaver Creek Road
1st Floor, Committee Room 2

Who Should Attend

If you’re responsible for hiring, then you should attend one or both workshops.

For more information, please contact:
Claire DeVeale
Email: cdeveale@triec.ca
Phone: 416-944-1946 x 271
Space is limited. Registration deadline is February 11th