New e-learning hub provides tools to work effectively in Toronto’s diverse workplaces

Yesterday, TRIEC in partnership with the Toronto Board of Trade presented the TRIEC Campus Roadshow to a group of local and internationally trained human resources professionals, giving them the opportunity to be among the first users to try the new online learning website.

“With over 50% of Toronto residents born abroad, it’s important for both new and established Canadians to have the skills to work effectively in a multi-cultural workplace,” says Joan Atlin, interim Executive Director at TRIEC. “The TRIEC Campus provides the tools, in an easy and accessible format, to help all Toronto residents develop those skills.”

Launched in September this year, the TRIEC Campus ( offers complimentary, self-paced resources designed to support team members and leaders in today’s culturally diverse workplace. In addition to test driving the site, the HR professionals and new immigrants enjoyed an interactive preview of TRIEC’s cross-cultural communication training activities.

“Toronto Board of Trade is proud to partner with TRIEC to launch the TRIEC Campus which will better integrate internationally trained professionals into our region’s workforce,” said Carol Wilding, President & CEO, Toronto Board of Trade. “Considering our region loses $1.5 to $2.25 billion by failing to recognize the qualifications and experience of immigrants, a program like this is vital.”

Made possible through funding by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, the TRIEC Campus also provides tools to help business leaders meet their business diversity goals and measure their progress towards developing a diverse workforce inclusive of skilled immigrants.

Visit the Campus and register today!