Education Loan Programs

Research suggests that your chances of finding employment double if you re-train in Canada.

immigrants_access_loan_pageBut as a new immigrant, education programs can stretch your finances.

These financial assistance programs tell you how you may be able to cover your education costs:

  • ACCESS Community Capital Fund
    The Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Loans Program provides affordable loans to internationally-trained individuals to pay for career-related expenses such as courses, exams, licensing, certification and training.
  • Windmill Microlending
    A Windmill loan can help if you are a newcomer and needing assistance to pay for the costs of the Canadian licensing or training you need so you can work in your pre-immigration career.
  • Part-time Canada student loan
    Government student loans are based on an assessment of your financial need. Qualified part-time students in Canada could get federal loans and part-time student grants.