Get Information

Get information about your profession. Gather details about how your profession is practiced in Canada and who the key players are.

Learn about the labour market, leading companies, professional associations, employment standards and regulatory requirements. There are many portals that provide employment information for newcomers to Canada, including tools and resources to develop your job search strategies.

Not yet in Canada? Access resources pre-arrival through CanPrep on the JVS Toronto website.

Employment information

Explore web portals that provide employment information for newcomers to Canada.

Employment Resources

Service providers who can support you in your job search

Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory requirements for your profession

Path To Employment

Your path to employment as a skilled immigrant


Find an agency that will help prepare you for employment

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Find resources that can help you get started on your entrepreneurial journey.

Before You Come To Canada

Are you immigrating to Canada? Find help and connect to a career in the province you are moving to.