An expanded version of this post appears on the Ontario Nonprofit Network blog.

In 2015, TRIEC and the Ontario Nonprofit Network collaborated to deliver a four-month leadership development program titled Leading the Conversation: Inclusion in Non-profits. The program supports participants to increase diversity and inclusion in their organizations and develop their knowledge of best practices of inclusion and skills in inclusive hiring, onboarding, and intercultural competence. The program attracted 57 leaders from 47 nonprofit organizations across Ontario.


“Meeting people from different organizations facing similar challenges – so helpful to talk about it with them in person, especially with facilitators in the room who are very knowledgeable.”
— Leading the Conversation participant

The results speak for themselves. Not only because participants increased their skills and knowledge, but because they implemented real meaningful changes. Over the four-month duration of the program, 82% of leaders reported that they’d made progress on more inclusive recruitment practices, and 47% said they had developed new onboarding policies in their organizations.

“We are in the process of developing a new strategic plan, and I will ensure that the strategic planning conversations are filtered through a diversity and inclusion lens.
— Leading the Conversation participant

TRIEC will offer its next four-month cohort of Leading the Conversation in September of this year in Toronto. The program draws on experiences from the previous four cohorts and offer the same high quality, cooperative learning environment over two in-person workshops and two webinars, with e-learning in between these sessions.

Let us know you’re interested in joining the next Leading the Conversation program.