As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, TRIEC wanted to take a pause, reach out, and say thank you to all of our partners and stakeholders.

Amid all the changes occurring daily, you have continued to render your support and make the work of TRIEC a priority. Your commitment during such uncertain times is unprecedented and we truly appreciate you putting people first and making the advancement and well being of immigrant professionals a priority along with the priority of your own health and the safety of your family, friends and neighbours.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate the creation of a new normal. We remain committed to keeping you informed on the actions we are taking, as well as ensuring the very best experience for everyone associated with all our programs (directly and indirectly). To our valued community partners, including deeply committed coaches and managers of our mentoring program, our employer partners working to build inclusive workplaces, our volunteer mentors, coordinators and champions, the leaders of our professional immigrant networks, our funders, other sector partners and every one with whom we collaborate to champion the skills and talents immigrants bring to the GTA, thank you.

The flexibility and dedication you have displayed as we adjust to this temporary way of life effectively communicates that we are all in this together, and that together we will come out of this stronger than ever.

Finally, to the immigrant professionals who have chosen our partners and TRIEC to support your professional journeys in Canada, we are here for you as the situation evolves.

To each of you— stay safe, stay home if you can, stay healthy,

The TRIEC team