Ryerson University, Student Campus Centre

Mentoring Journeys 2009 is a conference presented by Ryerson University’s Tri-Mentoring Program that provides mentoring professionals an opportunity to come together, exchange ideas and explore future possibilities in mentoring.

This two-day conference is designed to:

  • Illustrate and share, through experiences or cases, best practices, challenges and successes in mentoring
  • Develop frameworks for developing mentoring services and activities that foster a culture of inclusiveness
  • Build partnerships with other organizations and expand mentoring networks to explore innovative approaches to mentoring
  • Provide professional development opportunities and offer practical tools for mentoring staff and coordinators

Who Should Attend?

  • Mentoring programs within post-secondary institutions
  • Mentoring community groups
  • Mentoring programs within private organizations
  • Professional organizations
  • Government organizations
  • School Boards
  • Individuals who are engaged in mentoring activities

Topics include:

  • Innovative Approaches to Mentoring
  • First Generation Mentoring Initiatives
  • Culturally Diverse Mentoring and Learning
  • Mentoring Through Transitions
  • From Peer Mentoring to Professional Mentoring

More information can be found at www.ryerson.ca/trimentoring by clicking on the Mentoring Journeys 2009 logo, or by contacting the Mentoring Journeys 2009 Conference Team at (416) 979-5000 Ext. 6634 or journeys@ryerson.ca.