Mobilizing IEHPs for COVID-19

While numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths continues to rise, they have been more in line with best case scenario projections and Ontario’s hospital and ICU capacity has proven sufficient to date. As a result, the feared extreme shortages of healthcare professionals currently unfolding in other countries has – thankfully – not occurred here.


Nevertheless, there is still critical need for more help – especially where the crisis has become acute in our long term care facilities. Not to mention the continued needs within our public health and shelter system.


Ontario’s Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs) represent a huge untapped resource that can and should play an important role in supplementing and complementing our healthcare capacity during this crisis and beyond. These doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals have extensive global experience in a range of settings and can provide linguistically and culturally appropriate support to patients, families, and the public. They represent a tremendous asset where the needs are greatest: in long term care, public health and community services.


A number of recruitment portals have been launched at local, provincial and national levels to help employers link to professionals and volunteers. There have also been many stories in the media on this subject. This page is to serve as an up-to-date, collated resource to support information sharing and communications on IEHP mobilization for both IEHPs and Canadian employers.

Information for Internationally-Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs)

Province of Ontario’s Workforce Matching Portal

“Ontario is seeking those with experience in providing health care who are available to help provincial efforts to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, if required. [The province is] looking for health care providers who may be working part-time and want to and are prepared to increase their work hours or former healthcare providers who are retired, or on inactive status with their regulatory college.” MORE: Information for Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs)

Ontario Long Term Care Association’s Portal
The Association’s recruitment efforts at this time are focused on direct care support positions such as Resident Support Aide and Dietary Aide.

Government of Canada’s Call for Volunteers
The federal government’s National COVID-19 Volunteer Recruitment Campaign is seeking volunteers to help in the following areas:

  1. Case tracking and contact tracing;
  2. Health system surge capacity;
  3. Case data collection and reporting.

NOTE: Some jurisdictions have already asked for applications to cover surge capacity. If you have already applied directly to a call-out from your province, please do not apply to this national process. This will help to cut down on processing applications more than once.

Healthcare-Related Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs)
Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) is made up of professional associations that are volunteer-led, member-based organization with an employment focus, run by and for immigrant professionals. In the link above, you will find a list of healthcare-related associations with whose members you can connect for resources and support.


Information for Employers:

Are you an employer? Interested in learning more?

If you’re an employer interested in engaging with this work, we want to hear from you!

Please complete the form below, so we know how best to respond to your inquiry.