National Mentoring Partnership


The National Mentoring Partnership pilot program ran from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. The regional partnerships cultivated during the project are long-lasting and will continue to amplify immigrant mentoring across the country going forward.

Below is some information about the pilot and its partners.

Lead Sponsor





Mentoring helps skilled newcomers reconnect with their careers in Canada, while also providing an opportunity for employers to build their inclusive leadership skills and connect with diverse newcomer talent.

With the tremendous success of occupation-specific mentoring in many cities across Canada, regional mentoring partners (non-profit organizations specialized in immigration and employment) and national employers came together to form a collaborative partnership – National Mentoring Partnership – to increase access to mentoring for immigrant professionals across Canada. With RBC as the lead sponsor, National Mentoring Partnership helped job-ready, skilled newcomers build their professional networks and better leverage talents to achieve gainful employment across Canada.


How it worked: 

  • The National Mentoring Partnership gave employers the opportunity to engage in a mentoring program at a national level in cities across Canada where they operate
  • The Partnership was a network of regional mentoring programs, collaborating nationally and connecting employers’ regional offices with mentoring programs in their city  
  • Each mentoring program then matched employee volunteers (mentors) from that city with newcomers (mentees) who shared professional backgrounds  
  • While each mentor program differed slightly based on regional needs, all mentor programs provided orientation sessions, training and resources that built an employee’s coaching and inclusive leadership skills  
  • The National Mentoring Partnership worked closely with employers to implement a customized national strategy to support their Diversity and Inclusion goals, collaborated with regional mentoring programs, and communicated their success stories across media


National Employer Partners

For information about regional mentoring partners, click the appropriate link below:

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