

Hosted by Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) and Toronto Workforce Innovation Group (TWIG),  former Toronto Training Board (TTB)


7:45AM – 11:30 AM


Delta Chelsea Hotel
33 Gerard Street West
Toronto, ON









For online registration click here

The government of Ontario is actively engaged in policy and program development to ensure an efficient match between the demand and supply sides of the labour market.

In order for them to be successful, the government needs to engage with employers in an on-going dialogue. Employers also need to have current and appropriate labour market information to help make sound business decisions.

This half-day symposium, organized jointly by the Canadian Urban Institute and Toronto Workforce Innovation Group, aims to create an ongoing forum for employers and the government to engage and communicate about how to make this happen.

The Honourable Minister John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and Minister of Research and Innovation will be playing a central role at this event.