Are you looking for practical tools and support to make your organization a more inclusive place to work? Look no further – TRIEC is launching these resources for leaders, teams, and HR professionals in 2018…

1. TRIEC Campus is changing to TRIEC Learning !

TRIEC is launching a new online learning platform – TRIEC Learning. With a new name, look, and user-friendly functionalities, TRIEC Learning will help you enjoy hundreds of resources on Diversity and Inclusion to support your unique training needs. TRIEC is committed to providing innovative and engaging tools and resources to support you in building an inclusive workplace.

Our recently conducted survey showed that users are looking for an easy-to-use platform that also provides comprehensive analytics that can help to measure their learning progress. You said it, and we listened. Once launched, the new platform will:

  • Be compatible with any device of your choice;
  • Allow you to create a learning plan unique to your team’s needs;
  • Provide in-depth learning analytics that you can track;

TRIEC Learning is set to launch on April 2nd. So be sure to complete any unfinished courses at before that date (progress reports be issued upon request!)

2. Inclusion Measurement Blueprint

Measurement is a powerful tool for change. But are organizations measuring what really matters? How does an organization choose the right indicators for them to build inclusive workplaces?

Following the launch of the Inclusive Workplace Competencies last year, TRIEC has developed a new model for measuring inclusion in the workplace called the Inclusion Measurement Blueprint. This model is informed by primary and secondary research that explored existing models, methodologies and the challenges in measuring inclusion reported by local employers.

Ultimately, the Blueprint is designed to provide a flexible way for organizations to set measurement criteria, determine targets that reflect their priorities, and report results that will lead to further progress. Inclusion is not just a box that organizations can check off. It is a process — and the Blueprint will provide employers with a measurement “framework” that helps each organization in the context of their unique circumstances.

We are now in the process of developing the Inclusion Measurement Tool based on the Blueprint. It will be ready to pilot after April 2018 with a small group of employers interested in taking a strategic approach to inclusion.

Want to know more?
If your organization is interested in piloting the tool, please reach out to us at or