Happy Newcomer Day Toronto! Today the city is coming together to celebrate Toronto’s immigrants and the contribution they have to make – and we’re thrilled to be joining in.

Newcomer Day is organized by the City of Toronto and the Toronto Newcomer Leadership table. They’re hosting a celebration event in Nathan Phillips Square, from 12:30 – 3pm, featuring a special program of activities and performance, and a Newcomer Fair with information on city and community services. A citizenship ceremony is also taking place at 2:00 pm in the Council Chamber and will be attended by Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Chris Alexander.

Could you be a part of it? Come along to Nathan Phillips Square this lunchtime and look for the TRIEC table! Or take part on Twitter – follow the hashtag #TONewcomerDay or @TONewcomer. We’ll be sharing inspiring stories from immigrants all day on Twitter to mark the occasion.

Visit the City of Toronto website to find out more about the celebration event.