IAF151ktagInternationally trained newcomers who wish to work in their field of expertise in Canada often meet with obstacles. The task of acquiring Canadian licensing/training can be frustrating, lengthy and expensive.

So what action can newcomers take to reconnect with their careers? Based on their experience serving almost 3,000 immigrants till date, Immigrant Access Fund (IAF) has identified three key stepping stones along the path to successful settlement in Canada.


The first step includes researching occupation-specific exam and training requirements. Accurate knowledge and an understanding of how to succeed are essential. Online resources are a helpful starting point for this process. Information tailored to the needs of immigrants is also available through regulatory bodies, learning institutions, community agencies, and at newcomer events and fairs. These resources exist to provide newcomers with help through occupational assistance and mentoring.


Creating a network of professional contacts in your field of work can lead to jobs and internships where newcomers can learn transferable skills, as well as helping them to better understand the industry and forge resourceful connections.

Networking can be daunting for newcomers who have to find and build networks on their own. Networking also provides the opportunity to build their confidence and develop their soft communication skills. Career counsellors and mentorships programs are an excellent resource for this necessary skill development.

Financial literacy

Developing financial literacy skills is a critical aspect of the settlement process for newcomers. It is important that immigrants are provided with the tools that will allow them to navigate the financial barriers that they may encounter. This enables them to integrate seamlessly into Canada’s financial and credit system.

Immigrant Access Fund Canada is an excellent resource for newcomers seeking Canadian licensing/training in their field and require financial assistance. In the process of providing microloans, IAF helps borrowers with budgeting and understanding risk factors that could impede their licensing/training plans. These interactions help to identify potential stumbling blocks and to resolve them before they have an impact.

IAF aims to remove as many barriers as possible between newcomers and their success by facilitating and encouraging their path to employment commensurate with their skills and education.
Immigrant Access Fund Canada (IAF) provides micro loans to help newcomers looking to return to their pre-migration occupation, and works collaboratively to assist with achieving their training plans/licensing requirements. IAF loans help people pay for exams, courses, books and materials, and other related costs.

To learn more, visit IAF’s website at http://www.iafcanada.org.