Dr. Nicodeme Mugisho-Demu

'International Medical Graduates-Waste Prevention Network'

Dr. Nicodeme is a lead consultant on Alternative Careers for Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals at Community Maters and Program Manager at IMGWPN.

In both capacities, Dr Nicodeme is motivated by the desire to contribute in the design and implementation of programs aimed at addressing Internationally Educated Healthcare Professional’s (IEHP) needs for Canadian integration.

Dr. Nicodeme immigrated to Calgary, Alberta in 2008, after graduation and practice as Medical Doctor in the Democratic Republic of Congo and quickly realized the discrepancy between his qualifications and the jobs available. This led to his involvement with the Alberta International Medical Graduates Association where he served as Vice President in 2009, and the creation of Blue Sky Staffing to help other IMGs work as Clinical Aides on their paths to Residency.

After moving to Toronto, and working in various industries, including pharma, Dr. Nicodeme continued his fight for IEHPs leading to his current work.