Phone Your Candidates

The Canadian federal election is on Monday, October 21st, 2019

Are you a newcomer or a champion for the tremendous value immigrants bring to our workplaces and economy?

Do you want to engage your candidates on the importance of immigrant employment? 

If “Yes!”, TALK TO YOUR CANDIDATES about the underemployment of newcomer talent.

<<Find your Riding & MP contact info by postal code>>

<<List of active federal candidates by riding>>

Phone your candidates

A phone call to your candidates (including MPs who are re-running) can make a big difference. As a constituent, your potential representatives should be interested in what you have to say on issues that are important to you. This is an opportunity to share your views, voice your concerns, and ask questions.


Visit your candidates

If you prefer to meet your candidates face-to-face, you can visit their campaign offices. You can find your sitting MP’s constituency office using the link above. For other candidates, do a quick google search for their campaign office locations. If you need help, contact us below!

Questions to ask your candidate:

 1. What is your party’s immigration policy?

2. How will your party address the current trend of high underemployment rates of highly skilled immigrants?

3. Can I count on you to be a champion for immigrants in our riding?

4. If so, how can I support you?

Tips before the call/visit:

 Learn about your candidates! Once you’ve identified your candidates, find out more about who they are and why they are running. Visiting their campaign website is a great way to start. See you if you can find connections between you and them.

> Why did they decide to run?
> What are their positions on immigration and employment?
> Were they once a recent immigrant or refugee themselves?
> Is this their first time running for office?

 Be informed on the issue! If this is your first time engaging on the issue – not to worry! This one-pager is a start. Our research and insights page is also a great resource. You can also see each major party’s immigration platforms in the links below. By the end of your reading, formulate 2-3 key messages you want to share with your candidates. To help formulate your messaging, ask yourself why the success of immigrants – new and old – matter to you and the country. Why is it important for candidates to appreciate the importance of newcomer success in our city, region, and country? Make note of articles, success stories, and statistics that support your messages.

When you call/visit…


 Introduce yourself and let them know you’re a constituent of their riding.

 Explain the reason for your call/visit.

 Share your 2-3 prepared key messages or concerns with your candidate or their staff. As a part of this, you may wish to share your personal experience as a newcomer, or your experiences with other immigrants. (It’s important however to stay focused on your speaking points and not go on tangents or express all your concerns at once!)

 Ask questions! (See above for some that we recommend).

 Finally, if there is an ask or commitment to action you want to request of your candidate, you can express it to close your call/meeting.

Note: When you first call or walk in, the candidate may not be able to speak to you at once. You may have to schedule a time for a meeting or end up speaking with their staff. That is okay, too!

What are parties saying about immigration?

If you have questions or need further support, please contact:

Daniel Kim, Specialist, Communications and Media Relations