Toronto, ON (June 13, 2018) – Leaders of major professional immigrant associations in the Greater Toronto Area are convening this evening at the YMCA Centre at 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto Ontario.

The associations are a part of Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) – a program of the Toronto Region Immigration Employment Council (TRIEC) that is made up of 71 associations with a total membership of over 50,000 skilled immigrant professionals in a variety of occupations and industries. PINs associations are volunteer-led, member-based organization with an employment focus, run by and for immigrant professionals.

All association leaders are volunteers who are giving back in their spare time – most of them have separate day jobs. Their passion for passing on their knowledge and tools to new immigrants in finding meaningful employment and adjusting to life in a new country is what moves them to act. These associations offer alternative ways for newcomers to build their networks when they lack professional connections in their respective fields.

The gathering is being hosted by TRIEC and is intended to bring together PINs leaders, employers, and government stakeholders for an evening of professional development and networking. It will be attended by associations active in and around the Greater Toronto Area, including Hispanotech, Latin American MBA Alumni Network, and the New Canadian Media Professional Network. The agenda includes personal success stories from immigrant professionals who overcame employment barriers, networking opportunities between employers and newcomers, and a facilitated session on Coaching in Leadership which ties to the event theme: Building Leaders of the Future.

The interactive workshop will provide knowledge and tools to support professional immigrant associations build their own organizational capacity, and develop coaching skills amongst their leaders. The highly engaging session will focus on strengthening one’s coaching competence to build leaders of the future and will be co-facilitated by TRIEC staff member Kerri Brock, HNCP, CAPP, and Antonio Urdaneta, lawyer and PINs Leader with the Canadian Hispanic Bar Association.

The full event will serve as a platform for immigrant professionals to share learning on growing their associations, leverage their skills and connections to find employment opportunities in the labour market, and collaborate with employers, employment service providers, and community leaders.



For interview requests, please contact:
Daniel Kim, Specialist, Communications and Media Relations

Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) champions the talent and experience that immigrants bring to the Greater Toronto Area. We support organizations to become more inclusive, and help newcomers expand their professional networks and understand the local labour market. We collaborate with leaders and organizations to build a GTA where immigrant professionals can contribute to their fullest potential.