When Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
8 a.m. to noon
Where Markham Convergence Centre – The Showcase Room
7271 Warden Ave., Markham, ON L3R 5X5 (east side of Warden Ave., north of Denison St.)
What To help your company learn how to integrate skilled immigrant employees effectively, the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) is offering a series of complimentary integration workshops in 2011 – building on the success of its recruitment workshops. The Markham Small Business Centre is partnering with TRIEC to make this half-day integration workshop available to you at no cost.Participants will learn:

  • How challenges in the onboarding process may be due to cultural differences
  • The role of managers and co-workers in facilitating a successful adaptation process for new hires
  • Promising promises for the effective integration of new skilled immigrant hires
  • Strategies to enrich the interactions between peers and team members

Who should attend?
This workshop is intended for individuals who lead, manage and/or work with culturally diverse teams.

TO REGISTER please call 416-944-1946 ext 364 or email kziramba@triec.ca

Space is limited.


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