Join the last training cohort held in September in London, at Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes! Apply by Friday, August 12, 2016.



TRIEC is hosting the last “Leading The Conversation: Inclusion in Non-Profits” training in September 2016.

In 2014, Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) has identified diversity as one of the top five challenges for non-profit leaders (Shaping the Future: Leadership in Ontario’s Nonprofit Labour Force, Ontario Nonprofit Network, The Mowat Centre, University of Toronto, September 2014).

From sources of recruitment to hiring practices, onboarding and professional development – ONN concluded that when it comes to cultural diversity and inclusion, non-profit leaders need support in taking action to build inclusive workplaces.

ONN partnered with TRIEC to develop a pilot training that later became a program offered to non-profit leaders in Ontario.

Now, it’s at final stage, the training gained lots of positive feedback and great reviews. We encourage you to take a part at it and benefit from all the knowledge, free resources and peer support that is offered during the training.

Apply by August 12, 2016.


This program is for you if you’re someone:

  • who is currently working in a senior position at an Ontario non-profit
  • who is responsible for strategy within their organization (e.g., Executive Director, HR Manager, etc.)
  • who is looking to increase diversity in your workplace; for example, exploring, developing or implementing diversity strategies
Past participants sharing their feedback:

“Participating in the ‘Leading the Conversation: Inclusion in Non-Profits’ training has proven invaluable from a both a human resources and strategic perspective for our organization. I am excited to share this perspective with colleges so that we can create an inclusive working environment that ultimately creates the best service delivery for our clients. This is critical, as we work with clients from a range of backgrounds who count on us to assist them in their greatest times of need.”

The free training offers practical, solutions-based learning, tools and resources to increase diversity and inclusion in non-profit organizations. The curriculum includes two in-person workshops, two live webinars, and e-learning with a focus on cultural diversity.


Training Outline:

  • Session 1 – full-day, in-person workshop “Awareness and Assessment” (September 8th)
  • Session 2 – 1.5 hour webinar “Finding and Keeping Talent” (October 6th)
  • Session 3 – 1.5 hour webinar “Communications and Developing Human Capital” (November 3rd)
  • Session 4 – full-day, in-person workshop “Diversity Strategy and Leadership” (December 1st)


You can learn more about the program:

Read more about the training:

Watch video testimonials from past participants.