Toronto Star: Not all internships are bad

Margaret Eaton and Ratna Omidvar Done well, paid internships break down employment barriers and function as valuable learning experiences. To intern, or not to intern? Recently, this has become a much-debated issue with experts, interns and employers weighing in on...

CBC/Metro Morning: The Canadian Experience

One of the most persistent and frustrating barriers to employment for newcomers to Canada is the so-called Canadian experience requirement. Helen spoke to Ratna Omidvar President of Maytree. Listen to audio. Source: CBC/Metro Morning   

Globe and Mail: The case for still more diversity

Alan Broadbent and Ratna Omidvar The Ontario government has decided to prod companies and organizations into increasing the presence of women on boards and in senior management positions through a “comply or explain” approach. Rather than set hard quotas, the...

Biased Hiring

Matt Galloway spoke with Ratna Omidvar. She is the President of Maytree, a private foundation that promotes equity and prosperity. Listen to the radio interview.  Source: CBC/Mentor Morning