Talk To Your Candidates

The Canadian federal election is on Monday, October 21st, 2019

Are you a newcomer or a champion for the tremendous value immigrants bring to our workplaces and economy?

Do you want to engage your candidates on the importance of immigrant employment? 

If  “Yes!”, TALK TO YOUR CANDIDATES about the *underemployment of newcomer talent…

Why immigrant underemployment is an important election issue…



*Underemployment is when someone is working in a job that does not match their education, skills, and experience. For example, this could mean any of the following:


1. They have a bachelor’s degree or higher, but they don’t need to have a degree for the job they are working in;


 2. They’re not working in the field they were trained/working in before they came to Canada;


3. They’re working in a position where they don’t have to use the full range of skills that they gained in their previous work;


 4. Their current position is less senior than the one they had before coming to Canada.


Ensure your representatives realize that in a country made of 1/5 immigrants – and growing! – newcomer success is critical for all Canadians. #InclusiveCanada

<<Find your Riding & MP contact info by postal code>>

<<List of active federal candidates by riding>>

A phone call or visit with your candidates (including MPs who are re-running) can make a big difference. As a constituent, your potential representatives should be interested in what you have to say on issues that are important to you. This is an opportunity to share your views, voice your concerns, and ask questions.

If you prefer, you can write to their email addresses or campaign mailbox. You can find your sitting MP’s constituency contact addresses using the link above. For others candidates, do a quick google search for their campaign websites to find their contact info. If you need help, contact us below!

What are parties saying about immigration?

If you have questions or need further support, please contact:

Daniel Kim, Specialist, Communications and Media Relations