It took Carlito Sanjuan only one session to realize he was on the right path.

“I wish I’d known about this place, and I wish I’d come here a year ago,” said the 55-year-old immigrant after visiting the Central YMCA’s Newcomer Information Centre (20 Grosvenor St.) in downtown Toronto.

Sanjuan, an accountant who worked in banking and later in sales for Panasonic in the Philippines, landed in Canada in 2010 as a permanent resident in hopes of bringing his family — his wife, two daughters in their 20s and 18-year-old son — to join him when he found a good job.

But he’s been stuck in “survival jobs” — janitor and security guard — and didn’t know how to move forward until Turning Point introduced him to YMCA information referral specialist Sarita Bhatta. She pointed him to agencies and English tests that are stepping-stones to his goal: getting a better job.

Read more.

Source: The Toronto Star