It is with mixed emotions that I announce the pending departure of Elizabeth McIsaac, Executive Director of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC).  Elizabeth has accepted a new role as Executive Researcher (Not-for-profit Sector) at the Mowat Centre at the University of Toronto. Her last day at TRIEC will be May 11, 2012.

Over the last decade, through her roles with Maytree and TRIEC, Elizabeth has been instrumental in the development first of the idea of TRIEC and then of the organization itself. Her leadership has helped to place TRIEC as a champion for skilled immigrant integration in the Toronto Region labour market, creating a local, national and international success story. 

Elizabeth leaves TRIEC in a strong position to find a new leader. The TRIEC Board of Directors is starting the search process immediately and is confident of finding a leader to help TRIEC in its next stage of development. At the appropriate time, a job posting will be available on the TRIEC website.

In the meantime, TRIEC’s current Director of Programs, Joan Atlin, will serve as interim Executive Director.

On behalf of TRIEC’s Board of Directors and its staff, I wish Elizabeth the very best as she takes this next step in her journey.


Ratna Omidvar
Chair, TRIEC Board of Directors