This is a one-day conference hosted by bridging program partners across Ontario and funded by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. It is open to international engineers and employers throughout Ontario.

When Friday, March 30, 2012
Where MaRs Discovery District 101 College Street, Toronto


Concurrent Workshops:

  • The Green Economy
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Bridging Opportunities for Global Talent
    • Marketplace Sessions
    • Networking Luncheon
    • Ontario International Engineers Success Awards
    • Panel: International Talent and the Canadian Workplace

TRIEC’s Charles Achampong, Manager, Corporate and Stakeholder Relations, Toronto, will facilitate a panel discussion from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.  highlighting the successes and challenges for bridging programs in the engineering sector and the opportunities going forward.

The conference will also be a webcast. To register for the webcast, go to the conference registration page.

To follow the conversation on Twitter, use the hastag #iteon.

The special engineering page with profiles of conference participants, success stories, information on bridging programs andengineering articles will appear in the next Canadian Newcomer Magazine.

For more information on the conference go to >


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